Jullian's Pizzaria | A Deck of 52 Cards
Playing cards have always been close to my heart, a simple deck holds so many different games and tricks under the surface, so when getting this weeks design prompt [make a deck of cards for a pizza shop in New York] I couldn't have been happier as to finally give it a go
To make sure the cards were distinct from each other, I made the different suits have its own feature colour, along with the two supplementary ones that feature across all the cards. See more of the process/sketches below! 
The process started, as it usually goes for myself, with some sketches to get an idea out and so I could start forming the visuals. I knew there would be something that are universal across all cards (the suits) so I drew them out while sketching out ideas.
After this step it was all about digitisation, which I can only recommend a combination of a good old scanner and Adobe Capture. I tried out a few colour combinations, settling on what is supposedly the colours of New York. 
Below is a screenshot of my slightly messy dartboard and the final cards all lined up next to each other...

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